Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness Meditation Classes in Toronto
Barbara Symmons, Mindfulness Meditation SeminarsMeditation is a practice that helps us learn wise and skillful ways to harness the power of our minds. Mindfulness, the paying of direct attention, is the most crucial aspect of meditation practice. Mindfulness makes a vehicle for change, healing and stress reduction. Mindfulness diminishes anxiety and depression, which can weaken the body and may worsen many chronic medical and psychological conditions. Mindfulness may also transform a person’s approach to life.

The objective of the Mindfulness program is to learn and to practise a very simple, practical and transforming type of meditation – it is a self-directed training program in the art of conscious living, which moves individuals toward greater levels of health and well-being.

The stress in our lives is now so great and so insidious that more and more people are making the deliberate decision to understand it better and to bring it under personal control.

Listen to Barbara speak about Mindfulness
Barbara Symmons


Learn and Practise Practical Mindfulness Meditation

  • Reduce Stress
  • Enhance Well-Being
  • Sleep through the Night
  • Focus for Success
  • Improve Work Performance
  • Remember
  • Live on the Bright Side
  • Become Less Judging and More Compassionate
  • Cope with Illness or Pain
  • Forgive

Mindfulness Meditation Seminars
Six (6) Consecutive Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm, beginning October 7, 2014
Maximum 6 per class
Fee: $250 plus HST

This program is a very condensed, focused and practical version of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (Jon Kabat-Zinn). Your commitment is 6 – 1 hour classes, 1 follow up class, 1 one-on-one coaching session, and six minutes of meditation per day.

My commitment is to teach and empower you to manage all aspects of your life more effectively and happily by learning to harness the power of your breath.

Please register me for your next Mindfulness Meditation Seminar!

Workplace Programs

  • 60 Minutes of Mindfulness
  • Half Day Workshop
  • Full Day Retreat
  • 1 Day Training: Awake at Work: The Power of Mindfulness in the Workplace.

Custom Programs
Designed with you to meet your individual or corporate needs. Please email Barbara.